Office Hours

Wed 10-2 Friday 10-2


9830B Bottom Wood Lake Rd



Code Of Conduct


All participants of Lake Country Seniors Activity Centre are expected to conduct themselves in an appropriate manner. With this expectation in mind, a Code of Conduct has been established. It is expected that all groups and individuals, when participating in activities, programs or events or using the facility, will adhere to the Code of Conduct.

General Statement

The Lake Country Seniors Centre Society operates in an environment that is conducive to the health, safety and well-being of the people attending the facility and activities. Everyone attending Lake Country Seniors Activity Centre has the right to be treated with courtesy and respect. There is an obligation to behave in a manner that is respectful and courteous and to not disrupt the spirit of any participants, volunteers and staff or the operation of the facility in any way. Behaviours must not discriminate, abuse, demoralize or otherwise negatively affect others and/or their enjoyment of the facility and its activities.


Expected behaviours include but are not limited to:

  • treat others with dignity and respect
  • be polite and courteous using appropriate language
  • follow direction and/or instruction from volunteers
  • use the equipment and facility in a safe and appropriate manner
  • shirts and shoes required unless participating in an activity which requires otherwise


Non-acceptable behaviours include but are not limited to:

  • acts of violence toward others. This includes verbal, social or physical bullying and/or harassment
  • inappropriate gestures or language that disturbs others
  • rude and/or aggressive behavior
  • Disrespect for authority, unsportsmanlike conduct, misuse or abuse of the facility or equipment, use of foul language or gestures will not be tolerated.


The following activities are prohibited and Lake Country Seniors Centre Society members engaging in them, will be subject to being suspended from the Lake Country Seniors Activity Centre

  • any behavior that endangers the safety of any individual or group
  • gambling
  • hate speech
  • intoxication
  • loitering
  • physical violence or threat of physical violence
  • possession, consumption or distribution of alcoholic beverages (unless authorized by a licensed event on site)
  • possession or use of any illegal substances
  • possession or use of weapons
  • racial intolerance
  • religious intolerance
  • sexual and verbal harassment
  • violation of smoking ordinances, both inside or outside the building
  • solicitation
  • theft
  • vandalism or littering

The Lake Country Seniors Centre Society reserves the right to remove patrons from the facility and/or programs via suspension or, in extreme cases, cancellation of membership for periods of time determined by the Board of Directors. Upon termination of membership, all rights of the member in the Lake Country Seniors Centre Society
automatically cease to exist.

Activities Calendar



Our Society